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Addie’s Attic

209 Eastern Ave, Augusta


Donate: Mon-Thurs from 9am-3pm 

Shopping: Tues & Thurs from 10am-2pm 

And the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from 10am-12pm 

Off-street parking available



Accepts toiletries, cleaning supplies, diapers,  linens, and seasonally appropriate, gently worn clothing in all sizes. Please call before donating to make sure there is space. 

Tabitha’s Closet

72D Main St. Winthrop

Donate: 24/7 - donations can be left in the shed

Shop: 2nd & 4th Saturdays from 9am-12pm 

Off-street parking available. 


Cost: Free to anyone 

Accepts linens, baby diapers, kids toys, and seasonally appropriate clothing & shoes in all sizes. 

Mid Maine Homeless Shelter

19 Colby St. Waterville, ME


Donate: Mon-Fri from 10am-3pm or by appointment 

Shop: Preferably 10am-3pm but someone is always available to help 

Off-street parking available 


Cost: Free to anyone 

Accepts clothing & shoes in any size, toiletries, cleaning supplies, diapers & wipes, linens, and other essentials

Does not accept toys, electronics, knitted blankets, furniture, infant equipment 

Please call ahead and confirm they can accept your donation. 

**Mid Maine Homeless Shelter has a staff of case workers & housing navigators on-site. They also have a food bank on Fridays.** 

Waterville Essentials Closet

7 Eustis Pkwy, Waterville

Donate: Monday-Friday & Sunday from 8am-12pm

Shop: Open the last two weeks of the month on Wednesdays from 9am-11am, Thursdays from 5pm-7pm, and Fridays from 9am-11am

Off-street parking available


Cost: Free to anyone 

Accepts bath soap, deodorant, shampoo & conditioner, toilet paper, tooth brushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving cream, laundry detergent, cleaning supplies

Belgrade Bible Church Clothing Closet

744 Augusta Road, Belgrade


Donate: Any day, call first. 

Shop: 1st Tuesday & following Saturday of every month from 9am-11am. 

Off-street parking available


Cost: Free to anyone

Accepts clothing & shoes in all sizes and some baby gear


Better Together - Kennebec County (ME) is a location-specific donation coordination group. Our goal is to act as a bridge connecting those who need specific items with those looking to donate specific items. All are welcome but you must live within Kennebec County, Maine. Invite local friends and family members to join and help or be helped.